The blogosphere was abuzz Sunday night with rumors of an expose expected to run in Monday morning’s Times on New York governor David Paterson. The rumors reminded many bloggers and political pundits of a lengthy piece that ran in the Times regarding an extra-marital affair of then Republican presidential candidate John McCain in summer of 2008.
As Monday morning came and went, the so-called expose did not materialized either in print or on the newspaper’s website, which led to rumblings that Times’ reporters were following up with sources. The Times received much flak in 2008 following their report on John McCain as a result of its policy of keeping political sources anonymous.
Just as interest in the Paterson expose seemed to be waning, the Times flummoxed readers with the headline, “Embattled Governor Possessed by Iconic Ghostbusters Villain.” Reportedly, at some point between December of 2008 and January of 2009, Governor Paterson came into contact with and was possessed by Seventeenth Century despot, Vigo the Carpathian.
Apparently, while under the control of Vigo—also known as the Scourge of Carpathia—Mr. Paterson ignored suggestions from aides to appoint Caroline Kennedy to Hillary Clinton’s vacant Senate seat and, instead, appointed little-known U.S. Representative Kristen Gillibrand—who, according to the Times, may or may not be possessed by the Sumerian goddess, Zul, from the original Ghosterbusters film.
According to Times reporting, Vigo the Carpathian—also known as the Sorrow of Moldavia—will likely seek an uneasy union with Gillibrand in order to expedite his vile machinations. Paterson is quoted as being intent on “ushering in the Season of Evil.”
New York’s current lieutenant governor told Times reporters shortly after the Paterson expose appeared that he has already commissioned another Statue of Liberty from France to counter the possessed politicians in what the lieutenant governor calls “a two-front assault.”
Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: THAT OF A GIANT SLOR!
ReplyDeleteMany Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!
Let's not forget... during the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg.